Sunday, September 2, 2012


 I love this.  After we left the Utah house I was sad because we had to leave the height chart we had.  So when I saw this on pinterest I was in love.  One we could mark the heights and when we move take it along with us.  Yay!  I have seen some use vinyl but we just use perement markers and printer numbers out on the computer, traced them on, and colored the in.  Allan did all of the work I just am an admirer.  $10 dollars was the cost for the wood, we already had the stain and markers.  Fun easy project.
 As I said earlier I love pinterest.  Found this on it and had to do it.  I just don't see anyone doing silouettes (spelling) anymore that they cute and do in black.  So here was a way to do it.  The pictures were the hardest part.  Due to the fact we weren't sure what we were doing.  But I am sure if someone knew photoshop or paintnet which we used better they could do it with no problem.  The directions say to cut out printed pictures and then trace on contact paper and cut it out again.  Well I didn't have contact paper so I just cut out black pictures and then used the trick to make cricuit pads sticky again.  Painted and peeled off.  Turned out great.  Love pinterest.
 This picture you can see the color difference.
Allan has been busy in the garage.  I think he likes it though.  He built new shelves in the pantry for me.  They had the white metal or plastic ones which I was afraid to put any weight on because someone told us not to much or they will brake.  So they went and wood ones to replace them.  They look nice no picture.  Then we still had a ton of food to store so we used the closet under the stairs for food and other things.  Well after taking out all the food mostly filled it with food.  Just the back shelves have room.  I had to laugh at my food storage I have.  One row of peaches, one row of spagettic sauce.  Very little green beans, apple sauce, and beets.  Yep need a little variety.  But love the storage.  Southern homes don't have a lot of storage in the houses.  We got lucky and have more than most but I still want more.  They do have attics but due to humidty I am afraid to put too much stuff that can get ru.ined from the moisture

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow!! You have been busy! Love love love the ruler and the silhouettes!!