Monday, August 31, 2009


Codie did such a great job. I don't know how I'll pick which ones to get. Thanks Codie

North Fork

Your probably getting sick of seeing North Fork pictures but it is so pretty up there we can't get enough. This was a while ago I just haven't been able to post and the other post were for Allan so he could see what we were doing while he was gone. The flower is my favorite. Add that to my list to blow up. I always say I am going to blow up pictures but I never do.

Alex is very unhappy because I fell in the river with him and got him all wet. What adventures. We got to see a water snake and a deer. The best is the video below.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

For Daddy

We love you


Last night Hadley starting barking at something in the ground. When I walked over to see what it was it was a big beetle. The boys were so excited. I didn't get a very good picture of the beetle. Trinity was fussy but the boys loved it. Alex had to carry it everywhere. We let it go last night.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Grandma's presents

Alex loves tractors. Grandma Sue made him the best gift ever a tractor pillow. He loves it. Donovan isn't allowed to touch it or anyone else. Grandma was also very busy making blankets. Poor grandpa was cover in blankets but the boys love them. Thanks Grandma.

And what do you do with left over material from the blankets. Of course make ninja costumes. I had to put both pictures because one is so good of Donovan and the other so good of Alex.

Look at those cheeks.

Mutin' Bustin'

Cowboy Donovan and Cowboy Alex with his new boots. This is before getting on the sheep.
No I didn't plan on same shirts. Codie let is borrow a cowboy shirt. Donovan told me that cowboys don't wear t-shirts.

Getting ready to ride a sheep. I think I was more nervous than he was.

Riding the sheep. Too bad the sheep ran right around and bumped his head on another sheep. He never let go though until they told him. He was very excited. Next year bring on the cow and I am sure Alex will be riding a sheep also.