Thursday, January 19, 2012

Donovan is home

 We got Donovan home.  We decided since we were in the City we would go see the lights at temple square.  Still crazy busy but it was fun.  I like it better when there is snow.

 Trinity and Donovan.  She wanted to do whatever he did the whole time he was here.
 Here we are in the square towards the end of looking at lights.  It was funny I tried to get Alex to sit by me but he wouldn't. He had to sit by Donovan.  Donovan is famous at our house when he is home for about a week.  Then we fight.

 While Donovan was home we celebrated Donovan's 7th birthday. Can you believe it seven years old.  Crazy!  We went over to Rod and Nancy's so that we could visit with them too.
 The boys got remote control cars too cool. Donovan got a lego set that make bumble bee - alex picked that out, battleship and that is about it.
 We ate at the train in Heber and we got these swords.  So cool.  They had to use belts and everything.
 Alex pose.
 Donovan pose.
Trinity pose.  Trinty had to do whatever Donovan was doing.  It was cute.  We had to make here sword out of wrapping paper roll because we only got two swords and she needed a sword to be like Donovan.  Notice the cool duct tape on them.

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