Thursday, March 10, 2011


As I was looking for the projects I wanted to post I found this picture. The first week we brought Aubrie home I never went upstairs. So Allan told Alex to clean the playroom. Well instead of using the tubs that are against the wall to put all the toys in. Alex dumped them all out and put everything in the middle of the playroom. Kinda creative if you ask me but not my idea of cleaning the playroom.
So before I had Aubrie I was wanting to make so quilts. I really didn't have a project so I thought I would make the boys blankets for their beds since they don't have anything. I used the log cabin pattern and came up with this. It was way easy and you don't need a pattern. Just buy some fabric and make it. I also found this really cool web site that teaches you and gives ideas of patterns to do the quilts. All is left is to do the borders, quilt it, bind it. So maybe in two years they will have new blankets for their beds. In the mean time I have to get an idea for Aubrie's blanket.

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