Sunday, October 18, 2009


This weekend I got bapitized. It was a great day. Mom, Kit, Laura, and Matt came out. I was a little nervous but it was easier than I thought it would be. Thanks to such great missionairies and Tracy for guiding me and the right direction. Nothing could have made this week any better if we were sick. Hopefully no one else got sick.


Heather said...

Hannah I'm so happy for you. I'm sorry to hear every one was sick :(

I'm sad we weren't able to get together while I was in Utah. We'll have to try again another time.

Jody and Jace Martin said...

That is awesome Hannah! I had no idea.

Kara said...

What an awesome experience, Hannah! I love seeing your family (minus Lindsey) together--especially the last pic of you, Laura, and Sue.

I love the pumpkin pics too. VERY CUTE! (and why is it at least one person is ALWAYS looking away from the camera??)

Stevens Journey said...

Congrats Hannah! I'm so excited for you. I hope that everyone is starting to tell better.

Edith said...

Hannah, this is such good news! I'm so happy for you. I know it's way late but congratulations!