Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Two Kids

Two kids are hard. I know what you must be thinking, you already have two kids now you have three kids. Yes, I know but right now I have two kids. When Alex was born Donovan was gone for 2 months. It was easy. Alex and I got to adjust to each other, catch up on much needed sleep, and get ready for school before Donovan came home. This time there was no Donovan but there was Alex. There is time to catch up on much needed sleep or getting ready for school. I find at the end of the day I feel like a horrible mom because I feel like I didn't spend enough time with Alex either reading or spending time with him. Also I am lucky if I get to take a shower. Sleep always wins over a shower. How do you mom's out there do it? By the time Allan gets home I am either going crazy because I think of all the things that didn't get done and I would like to get done. Not only am I struggling with two kids next weekend, July 25 Donovan will be coming home and I will get to adjust to three kids. But maybe that will be easier because Alex will have someone to play with. Also Donovan is a lot bigger help than Alex even though Alex is a helper it just takes twice as long.


Sharli said...

I think I feel about the same way you do. I never get to the things that I want to each day. It seems like the list grows instead of going away. I also feel that rustin gets neglected, but I guess we just keep plugging along and hope everthing works out!

Jody and Jace Martin said...

You will eventually get to clean your house again...eventually. I so remember that! It will settle down at some point. I am definately having some "third baby anxiety." More kids than hands. What am I going to do. We will see if I can stay sane through those first six months! Payton is MUCH more dramatic than Riley was at this age, so I am anticipating that I may need a trip to the looney bin!