Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tile Floors

Does it ever seem to you nothing gets done as fast as you would like it to? That is how I feel with this house. I thought tiling would go pretty fast; three days tops. Well five days later the tile is done. Allan did a great job. I helped with what I could but I really didn't know how to do it so I just cut tile. Hopefully tomorrow we can start doing our hardwood floor and grout the tile. Now I with my thinking I want to be done in three days but nothing is never as fast as I think they should be.


Heather said...

Love the new blog back ground! :)

The house looks good and must be so exciting that it is a lot closer than it was this summer to being done (even though you feel like it's taking too long). Awesome you are helping with the tile. I'm excited for you to have your own house.

Becca said...

Looks great! Come on down and tile my house next, would'ya?