Saturday, January 19, 2013

New Blog

Alright people we have moved!!!  check us out!!  Thanks for keeping up with us.

Friday, November 9, 2012


 Here we are ready to go out.  The kids were so excited.  I wasn't sure what time they started trick-or-treating but we went out.  Our neighborhood is still in the growing stages so I wasn't sure how we would do with the candy.  Just the right amount if you ask me.  We would get lots and some places and none.  I think some were worried that no trick-or-treaters would come so they gave us a ton.
 Overall we came out on top.  We went to other neighborhoods but really after ours it was enough.
Heaven.  So much candy and they could eat as much as they wanted.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Carving Pumpkins

 Due to Hurricane Sandy the weather got a little cold but we decided to carve pumpkins anyways.  I have to laugh cold was 59.  Alex right away decided he didn't want any part of it.  Once Trinity saw Alex didn't like it she wasn't going to help and we just decided to not let Aubrie get supper messy so Allan and I did all the gutting.

 I let the kids take over for picture time.  They are gettting better.  Obviously we needed a close up of getting the guts out and of the seeds.  When I looked on the camera there was 8 pictures of really really close ups of seeds.

Drawing the faces on.  Yep lots of marks.  We tried to stay really close to what they drew.
 Allan just did Aubrie's pumpkin.  Turned out cute.  A very traditional one.
Alex went for scary teeth.
Trinity went for the 3 eye effect.  We added the nose later.  I like hers the best.
 The kids and the pumpkins.  Allan's is at the end we think his is the scarest and mine is the big one in the middle with the square nose. 
Thanks grandma and grandpa for buying us pumpkins.  We sure enjoyed ourselves.

Edisto Beach Oct 2012

 At the beach again.  We let Alex go to school so we didn't get an early start but it was still fun.  Even though it was cooler than I wanted it was still a  relaxing time.  I forget how relaxing the ocean makes me.  Aubrie stayed on the sand.  She had no desire to touch or get close to the water.  Not so brave this time.  I think the cooler weather had something to do it with it.
 Yep that little head you see is Trinity getting taken out by a wave.  We had already played in the water.  The waves were a little rough for all of us.  They scared me especially with my kids not being strong swimmers so we stopped playing in the water.  To make sandcastles they decided they needed water so Trinity was on a mission.  She got her water and was ready to come back and deliver but she couldn't run fast enough and the wave got her.  She came up so surprised and wanted to cry but she didn't.  And the best part is she kept going back to get more water.
 Filling the bucket.
 She lost the red bucket and almost lost the yellow bucket but mom rescued it.
On my hunt for shells I came across a tiny crab.  I tried getting Alex to come check it out but before he came a wave got it.  So I thought it was lost but I found it again and caught it.  Alex made a good home for it.  He gave Grandpa Kit directions to not let it burrow in the sand too far or it would get lost.  We were also lucky to see a fishing boat.  They had two of them out.  After we were done at the beach we went and ate.  I love the sea cow.  So good.  Thanks for the adventure and great dinner mom and Kit.

October Grandparent visit

 First things first.  How come nobody has told be what a terrible job I am doing with my writing.  I reread some of my post and had to stop because of the poor job I did with writing.  Come on people someone has to tell me I am making a fool out of myself!!!!
Grandma Sue and Grandpa Kit came and visited for a few days.  Thankfully they came when it had cooled off some so it was an enjoyable visit.  We went to Hopeland Gardens again.  Just love this place.  I have to say Aubrie really loved it this time.  She is becoming quite the monkey.
 We wanted to put Trinity on the high branch up there but Trinity isn't a big fan of heights.  This picture turned out just as good.
 Finally after several pictures they are all looking.  Wow!  That is a job now that Aubrie is messing around and will look for 2 seconds and then Trinity wants to see what Aubrie is doing and Alex just wants to be done.
 Haha must have liked the pictures of Trinity this visit!
We took pictures on the bridge.  This is the first time finding the bridge for us.
 If you remember last time when Grandma Sue came for a visit we had a tea party.  So of course we had to have another tea party.  Mom wanted to make the sugar cookie candy corn cookies so we made fancy cookies for our tea party.  Trinity decided that boys could come to this one.  Thank goodness because we had Kaden and Colton over.
 Enjoying the tea.  Kaden was wondering why we had to be so fancy!!!
 Silly love birds messing around. Trinity wondering what is going on.
Aubrie once again just loved the tea and never had enough.  Colton liked the fancy bread we had.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


 Donovan has three football games left.  So finally looking at the calendar Allan and I said we should go to this game.  He has training in FL October 1-5 so the next two weekends wouldn't work for him.  So we decided to go.  Friday I am getting everyone ready and Allan calls saying he can't go due to a project that has to get done.  Off to Ohio by myself.  12 hours later we got to Donovan's house.  Played with his toys, went swimming, rode four wheeler, and played legos.  It was so good to see Donovan.  Sunday we went to his game.  It was very cold in Ohio.  Okay not that cold but when you are use to 80's and low of 70's it was cold.  I forgot to bring jackets and pants so Derrick let us borrow some of Donovan's clothes.  Here is Donovan as a captain going out for the coin toss.
 Run Donovan Run!  He had amazing runs.  He ran for 60 yards and almost got a touch down the second play in the game.  He scored 2 touch downs but they took one away but I count it as 2.
 He got to be the quarterback.  He completed all his passes.  I was very impressed.  Grandpa Janney made the comment that Donovan played all the positions.  Pretty cool!
 I really like this picture of Donovan.  His fingers got stepped on towards the end of the game.  Lucky Donovan wore the undershirt that he did because I would not have been able to spot him other wise.
The super start with his brother and sisters.  The kids did great for the football game.  I tried to sit in the stands for a while but then realized that they could play on the track and I wouldn't have to fight Aubrie to sit down so she wouldn't fall off the bleachers.  So glad we go to go watch him play.  The ride home was good.  Aubrie had had enought but who could blame the poor girl 24 hours in a car in 4 days stinks.  Love you Donovan.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


 I love this.  After we left the Utah house I was sad because we had to leave the height chart we had.  So when I saw this on pinterest I was in love.  One we could mark the heights and when we move take it along with us.  Yay!  I have seen some use vinyl but we just use perement markers and printer numbers out on the computer, traced them on, and colored the in.  Allan did all of the work I just am an admirer.  $10 dollars was the cost for the wood, we already had the stain and markers.  Fun easy project.
 As I said earlier I love pinterest.  Found this on it and had to do it.  I just don't see anyone doing silouettes (spelling) anymore that they cute and do in black.  So here was a way to do it.  The pictures were the hardest part.  Due to the fact we weren't sure what we were doing.  But I am sure if someone knew photoshop or paintnet which we used better they could do it with no problem.  The directions say to cut out printed pictures and then trace on contact paper and cut it out again.  Well I didn't have contact paper so I just cut out black pictures and then used the trick to make cricuit pads sticky again.  Painted and peeled off.  Turned out great.  Love pinterest.
 This picture you can see the color difference.
Allan has been busy in the garage.  I think he likes it though.  He built new shelves in the pantry for me.  They had the white metal or plastic ones which I was afraid to put any weight on because someone told us not to much or they will brake.  So they went and wood ones to replace them.  They look nice no picture.  Then we still had a ton of food to store so we used the closet under the stairs for food and other things.  Well after taking out all the food mostly filled it with food.  Just the back shelves have room.  I had to laugh at my food storage I have.  One row of peaches, one row of spagettic sauce.  Very little green beans, apple sauce, and beets.  Yep need a little variety.  But love the storage.  Southern homes don't have a lot of storage in the houses.  We got lucky and have more than most but I still want more.  They do have attics but due to humidty I am afraid to put too much stuff that can get ru.ined from the moisture